Best fallout new vegas build
Best fallout new vegas build

best fallout new vegas build

Let's see how far this gets me, since besides from the very basics that carry over from FO3, I'm playing this game blind. Luck at 9 for better crits, and Agility in 9 for more AP. I decided to use Small Frame since I don't really care about broken limbs (playing on Normal non-hardcore for my first playthrough), and I save 4000 caps for another implant. Which are the most fun Fallout New Vegas builds I’ve played dozens of builds and my all time favorite has got to me my version of the Chem Tank. 5 Strength is more than enough for every non-heavy gun in the game. With 6 in Intelligence I get 13 skill points per level, +2 when I get Educated -15 points cover and max the skills I use pretty quickly.

best fallout new vegas build

I chose to keep Perception at 1 since it's basically useless under certain conditions. A sniper rifle for long distances, an uzi or something like that for close range. I'm currently rolling: S5, P1, E9, C1, I6, A10*, L9 Perks: Small Frame, Trigger Discipline Tag: Guns, Lockpick, Repair *(9+1 from Small Frame Perk) I'm planning on playing a stealthy character. I just restarted my character, after a few hours of getting used to FNV.

Best fallout new vegas build